
The 中风研究中心 at Saint Francis Medical Center is prepared to handle any 中风-related emergency 24 hours a day, 一周七天. 我们的中风团队:

  • 如果有可能中风的病人正在路上,急救人员会通知他吗
  • 在病人到达后10分钟内进行评估
  • 在订单下达后25分钟内执行关键的成像扫描, 20分钟内分析结果
  • 确定治疗方案,并在到达后1小时内开始治疗


中风患者在4.5 hours of the start of 中风 symptoms are at least 30 percent more likely to recover with little or no disability. The sooner the team at the 中风研究中心 can treat a potential 中风 patient, 复苏的机会就越大. That is why it is important to receive treatment from a nationally recognized 中风 center.



  • Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body
  • 突然的困惑或理解
  • 一只或两只眼睛突然看不见东西
  • 突然说话困难
  • 突然行走困难、头晕或失去平衡/协调
  • 不明原因的突然头痛



  • 动态/视频脑电图. Ambulatory/video electroencephalography helps in the diagnosis of a variety of neurological problems, 从常见的头痛和头晕到癫痫, 中风和退行性脑疾病.
  • 血管造影术. 这个x射线程序使用导管拍摄血管. The catheter is inserted into an artery or vein in the groin and is guided to the area under observation. 一旦导管到达适当的区域, 通过导管注入x射线染料, 血管的轮廓. The outline makes it possible for a radiologist to see blockages or irregularities in the blood vessels.
  • 计算机断层扫描(CT). Computerized tomography (CT) scans take detailed cross-sectional images of the body that are used to identify specific neurological conditions.
  • 磁共振成像(MRI). 在磁共振成像(MRI)期间, 人体暴露在可以检测到的电磁辐射中, 处理和转换人体软组织的图像, 比如大脑或脊髓, 变成计算机图像.


The 神经科学研究所 offers patients the opportunity to help doctors find answers to neurological illness by participating in clinical drug and surgery research trials.



As the only provider in the region with both a neuropsychologist and a behavioral psychologist on staff, Saint Francis Medical Center provides expert care for patients suffering from emotional/cognitive problems due to bodily injury. 住院康复人员帮助病人发展应对技能, establish appropriate expectations and modify their lifestyle in accordance with any physical limitations to maintain a positive outlook on life.


在初步评估之后, patients are provided with an individualized nutrition plan to follow during their stay and are checked on a weekly basis by Saint Francis Medical Center’s dietitians and aides. At discharge, patients may receive additional feedback on future nutritional concerns.


Occupational therapists and assistants at Saint Francis Medical Center are focused on increasing independence and improving quality of life. This involves developing individualized treatment programs for patients to help them reach goals in regard to the social, 疾病和伤害对情绪和生理的影响, 包括脊髓损伤, 创伤性脑损伤, 阿尔茨海默病, 中风, 关节炎, 多发性硬化症, 肌萎缩侧索硬化和痴呆. 护理人员还帮助患者恢复日常生活活动, 比如自我照顾, 工作与休闲.


Through the use of exercises and applications that promote and restore normal function and development, physical therapists and assistants at Saint Francis Medical Center help patients overcome injuries and other physically debilitating conditions.


Saint Francis Medical Center’s recreational therapy caregivers work with patients to improve skills and provide information needed to ensure successful adjustment into their home or community environment.


Social workers at Saint Francis Medical Center meet with the family members of patients to counsel them in regard to lifestyle changes and connect them to community resources to meet patients’ needs.


Saint Francis Medical Center provides speech evaluations and assessments of language and swallowing, 以及语言病理学的所有领域. 在初步评估完成后, 根据病人家属的意见制定护理计划.


American Heart Association/American Stroke Association – 2022 Get With The Guidelines® 金牌加中风奖

American Heart Association 2022 Get With The Guidelines 金牌加中风奖

赌博正规软件下载收到了 美国心脏协会金奖 表彰其致力于优先为中风患者提供优质护理. The award recognizes the hospital’s commitment to ensuring 中风 patients receive the most appropriate treatment according to nationally recognized, 基于最新科学证据的研究指南.

Saint Francis Medical Center earned the award by meeting specific quality achievement measures for the diagnosis and treatment of 中风 patients as outlined by the American Heart Association. 这是圣弗朗西斯连续第三年获得该奖项, 代表连续五年超过报告指标. These measures include evaluation of the proper use of medications and other 中风 treatments aligned with the most up-to-date, evidence-based guidelines with the goal of speeding recovery and reducing death and disability for 中风 patients. 在放电, patients should also receive education on managing their health and schedule a follow-up visit, 以及其他护理过渡干预措施.



圣弗朗西斯医疗保健系统赢得了 联合委员会的 Gold Seal of Approval® and the American Stroke Association’s Heart-Check mark for Advanced Primary 中风研究中心 Certification.

As a result of continued compliance with national standards and extraordinary outcomes, The 中风研究中心 has received the Joint Commission’s Certificate of Distinction in Disease-Specific Care for Primary 中风研究中心 Certification for the eighth time. 该奖项最初于2005年颁发.

圣弗朗西斯医疗保健系统 underwent a rigorous, unannounced onsite review in November 2019. 访问期间, a team of Joint Commission reviewers evaluated compliance with related certification standards including program management, 支持自我管理, 提供和促进临床护理. Joint Commission standards are developed in consultation with health care experts and providers, 测量专家和患者. 审稿人还进行了现场观察和访谈.